Meeting Summary
Posted by Patricia Skinner
November 17, 2014
Topic: The Future of Heavy Oil: The Need for a Social License
Guest Speaker: Darrel Howell, P. Eng Armada Industrial Services Ltd.
Introduced by: Rotarian Brian McCook
Thanked by: Rotarian Tyler Morrissette
Darrel stated that his presentation was NOT a technical paper but represented his personal opinions on anecdotal issues relating to the Oil Industry and reviewed many perceptions and reality issues connected with the Industry. Some examples were: Perception - that pipelines, especially bitumen pipelines are dangerous; Reality - they are the safest and most efficient form of transportation; Perception - that Oilsands are responsible for global warming; Reality - Oilsands contribute less than 0.1% of global C02 emissions; Perception - Oilsands and heavy oil are bad for the environment; Reality - the oil industry is arguably the best environment stewards in the resource industry; Darrel listed many more examples too numerous to mention. Individuals need to make informed decisions based on solid, sound information. We need to be skeptical of celebrity messaging and not be afraid to challenge incorrect statements; we need to encourage governments in their initiatives and above all take responsibility and challenge incorrect statements. Oilsands/Heavy Oil is an efficient, environmentally responsible indutry, that is continually improving and is key to Canada's economic well being.
DREAM VACATION WINNERS; Trip of the month - Cam Nutbrown $100.00 Bob and Helen Ambler $50.00 Kim Akre
Jason Whiting stepped up to the plate to fill in at the last moment for the missing Sgt-at-Arms. Thanks Jason - that's what good chairmen do.
SPEAKER NEXT WEEK: Acclaimed writer Mryna Kostash on the history of Frog Lake.