Guest Speaker:      Lorein Boyce
Introduced by:      Peter Parkinson
Thanked by:          Jill Applegate
The membership was pleased to hear from Lorein Boyce, outgoing student who has just recently returned from Taiwan.  Lorein noted that her sister Hope had been the exchange student to Germany a couple of years ago. Lorein gave a very comprehensive over view of her year noting that it was one of the great experiences of her life to date.  The exchange students are to raise 1000.00 for Shelter Box, the project of Rotary International, and Lorein was pleased to report that she had accomplished this goal, with help from her club and friends.   For the whole year Lorein was able to attend Chinese classes, free of charge, which was a huge bonus for communication.  The highlight was a 10 day trip around Taiwan with the other exchange students.   Lorein also attended a Rotary club at least once a month and spoke in Chinese which helped her with her language skills.   Lorein extended her heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the Rotary Club for this great opportunity and will return to the studies in engineering.
Auction Gift:    Donated by Bob Little and won by Sheldon Servold.  (The gift - an hour's plane ride with Bob at the helm - lucky guy)!
Sgt-at-Arms:    Bob Little fleeced the flock with some Q & A on politics and the upcoming election.  Hopefully, everyone left a little more informed about the candidates in our local community.
Guest Speaker next week:  Becky Schille from the Olive Tree